Your child is unique. They need someone who speaks their language, understand how they feel, and provide just the right amount of push and support to help them succeed in school and beyond. They need a local high school peer tutor who...
& always Relatable.
Sound like things your student is missing? Peer tutoring is what they need. Bring them a friend who will help them succeed.

Amy (teacher & mother of a 1st grader)
“I felt that my daughter received tutoring that was individualized for her. Thank you for this service.”

Lincoln (1st grade student)
“I love it! I wish I could do it every day.”

Ameerah (11th grade tutor)
“Knowing that you’ve made a difference in someone’s life is life-changing itself, and has made me fall in love with tutoring.”
Steps to Success

Click Try PeerSquared to see how we can help

Let PeerSquared design the right plan for you

Launch a pilot at your school or give private tutoring a try

Invest in peer tutoring and help your students succeed
You have a lot of work to do. Tap into your school’s hidden potential through a peer tutoring program. Let us help you connect your students with fantastic local role models. With peer tutoring, your school will...
PeerSquared for Parents
Your child is unique. They need someone who speaks their language, understand how they feel, and provide just the right amount of push and support to help them succeed in school and beyond. They need a local high school peer tutor who...
PeerSquared for Educators
You have a lot of work to do. Tap into your school’s hidden potential through a peer tutoring program. Let us help you connect your students with fantastic local role models. With peer tutoring, your school will...
Our partners love us!
Whether it’s growing a high school’s peer tutoring club or starting a new one in collaboration with a local non-profit, we help design the most effective peer tutoring program to address the academic needs of your community.

Moving Peer Tutoring Online
"We greatly appreciate the relationship we have with PeerSquared that facilitates the connection between our pool of highly capable peer tutors with a segment of students needing their services in this virtual world into which we've all been thrust. I believe PeerSquared is instrumental in the success of our Desert Vista Peer Tutoring program given that it provides a user-friendly format that seems to have been well received by our families. If we were tasked with developing a similar tool ourselves, we certainly wouldn’t have experienced the degree of success in our peer tutoring program that we currently enjoy. Thank you for working with us."
Mr. Michael Deignan - Principal of Desert Vista High School

Summer Mandarin Tutoring Success
“The tutors were all wonderfully helpful, patient, and came prepared with the materials for the session. Our daughters were motivated and looked forward to talking with their tutors every week. This is our first time using online tutoring and we are very happy with the level of service that PeerSquared is offering. We definitely recommend it to other families in the community.”
A Tarwater parent of a 2nd & 5th grader

Huskies helping Huskies - An annual tradition continues online
"Some of my students had significant gaps from a semester of distance learning, and peer tutoring gave them the one-on-one time to ask questions that they didn't want to ask in front of everyone else during class. One student in particular, through getting to ask her questions during tutor where she was more comfortable, began participating way more in class. She would do her work for the class and explain it to the class. She would come up to me and tell me other ways to do certain math problems that her tutor showed her. She loved working with her tutor. This program was just a great resource!"
Mrs. Jayna Edwards - 5th Grade Teacher at Hartford
Your students are one step closer to academic success.
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